Franklin France is an ISO 9001 certified specialist in lightning protection with over 40 years of experience and international presence. Lightningtech supplies and support a wide range of Franklin France products including Lightning Protection Systems and Storm Detectors.

Active 1D Early Streamer Emission Lightning Rod

Active 1D ® characteristics :
  • Consideration of the energy character to choose the streamer able to become an ascending leader,
  • Autonomous and clean energy source : atmospheric electrical field,
  • Cloud polarity consideration,
  • Optimized head bending radius to reduce the corona effect and guarantee the excitation advance,
  • Guarantee of functioning in all weather conditions,
  • High resistance to corrosion thanks to its manufacture in 304 L stainless steel,
  • In compliance with NF C 17-102 standard of September 2011
The Active 1D® excitation advance is obtained by a device  named « impulse device ». Its principle consists in storing   electrostatic energy present in the atmosphere at a stormy cloud approach to release the ascending discharge excitation in a good time. This device operates with an integrated sensor which measures the surrounding electrical field value. It generates then a polarity inversion of the lightning rod head, creating a sudden amplification of the electrical field on its point.

Active 2D Early Streamer Emission Lightning Rod with Double Excitation Device

Characteristics of the Active 2D® :
  • Consideration of the energetic information to choose the tracer which can become an ascending tracer,
  • Source of energy autonomous and clean : photovoltaïcs cells,
  • Consideration of the cloud polarity,
  • Optimized head curvature radius to reduce the corona effect and guarantee the excitation device,
  • Operation guarantee in all atmospherical conditions,
  • High resistance to corrosion thanks to its manufacture in 304 L stainless steel,
  • In compliance with NF C 17-102 standard of September 2011
  • Double device for a better propagation of the ascending tracer
  • Remote test for an easy maintenance
  • Test in High Voltage in the laboratory of Bazet in France (laboratory totally independant – laboratory patented COFRAC)
  • Warranty of two years
When approaching storm activity, the integrated sensor measuring the surrounding electrical field, releases the impulse device such as most of usual Early Streamer Emission systems. It almost immediately reverses the polarity of their head, creating a sudden amplification of the electrical field on its tip.
The innovation comes from the use of a second device, named « power device », which collects and stores energy in power capacitors. The Active 2D® is in this way permanently pre-loaded of an important energy which allows maintaining the ascendant tracer propagation.
When the downward leader enters in the protection area of the lightning conductor, the measured current strongly increases. As soon as this current is superior to a characteristic threshold, the power capacitors discharge and release the necessary energy for the propagation of the leader. In this last device, the lightning conductor’s head is used as a capture device. It is, by consequence, electrically insulated from the earth.

ACTIVE 4D® Early Streamer Emission Lightning Rod with Integrated Storm Detector

Lightning rod : the principle of the ESE Active 4D® is not only to initiate the upward leader, but to provide the energy needed to ensure its propagation until the junction with the downward leader.
The Active 4D® system is equivalent to the ESE Active 2D® lightning conductor, featuring two devices: “Impulse” and “Power” devices.The Active 4D® operating system can be tested at anytime, either by a remote tester or by computer linked to the Activ’Control® housing (via local network), through the LMS software (Lightning Monitoring System).
The Active 4D® offers two models following to the excitation device speed: 30 and 60 µs. The system was tested in compliance with the September 2011 NF C 17-102 standard, in an independent laboratory accredited COFRAC.
Integrated impact counter : the Active 4D® allows to record lightning strikes autonomously. The innovation comes from a built-in lightning counter in the Active 4D® system. This lightning strike counter allows to timestamp and stores the various impact information captured by the Active 4D® (number of impacts, day / time of each impact, value, form and energy of the Lightning electric current).
This data is then transferred by radio link to the Activ’Control®. The operator, through the LMS software, has access to these various data and visualizes the curves of the lightning current.
This device complies with the decree of 19th of July 2011 and with NF EN 62561-6 standard.
Integrated storm detector : The Active 4D® allows in predicting a storm. The detection works through 1 integrated sensor that measure with precision the electrostatic field value.
Once the recorded value indicate an imminent risk of lightning, the Active 4D® with its dry contact Activ’Control® housing, takes the initiative to send audio alerts (siren, …), and / or visual alerts (flashing light …).
The LMS (Lightning Monitoring System) software, permanently connected with the Activ’Control® (and thus the Active 4D®) allows visualizing the evolution of risk.
The great innovation of the system (patented) was to include prevention with lightning protection.

Lightning Counters

Mechanical lightning counter AFV0907CF
The impact controller or lightning counter is designed for detecting and counting lightning strikes received by the structure s equipped with lightning conductors.
Counter compulsory for protected sites (according to rules in force) recommended for Expertises and Insurances Companies).
Mechanical counter AFV0906CF and AFV0907CF are totally autonomous and does not need external power supply. Each counter is delivered with 2 AFJ0819RL collars. Date indicator counter AFV0909CF is shows and register the date and time of the lightning impact through the down conductor.The battery used is included (Lithium 3,6v battery).
Notice that while changing the batteries, the data remains in its memory even when the batteries weaken and the display is not.
Digital counter AFV0920CF is used for lightning current, transient pulse current counting and monitoring records in power lines or ground lines.
Installation, instructions and maintenance
1.This product can be installed in the load current power line (L, N line) above 500 A to monitor and record the surge voltage in the power line. It can also be installed in various surge protectors (SPD).
Online, monitor and record lightning strike (SPD) for lightning strikes.
2. the line that needs to be monitored must pass through th eback of the counter, no direction limited.
3.there is a RST clear button on the counter panel to clear the data as needed.
4.this product does not need to be debugged. It is in working state after general access. When the counter is not displayed (3-5 years later) the counter of the same specification can be replaced.
NFC 17-102: installation at approximately 2 m from its base. Mounting in serial on the down conductor, on a compulsory path of the lightning current.
Meshed cages : installation recommended of a counter on each frontage, on the down conductors connecting to the highest points of the structure.

Storm Detector AFV3000DF

The advanced detection of storms allows to give enough time to implement procedures, means of protection, to limit damages caused by storms, to reduce the impact and economical cost such as :
  • Risks faced by persons,
  • Risks due to destructions, problems of production of or services
The STORMDETEC™ is a new generation professional storm detector that measures variations in the electrostatic field in the atmospheric layer close to the ground and based on the use of so called “field generator” techniques.
Its principle is based on the continuous, real-time, measurement and recognition of evolutions affecting this field that are symptomatic and determining in showing up a strong probability that a storm is imminent with a local lightning strike hazard.

The STORMDETEC™ is a professional storm detector with a large use, totally configurable regarding to the characteristics of risk policy implemented by the user, mainly by the adjustment of the alarms thresholds levels, but also by the adjustment of its environment coefficient to offset the environment influence of the site on which it is installed.
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